Ok, Just wanted to show you an update on the caterpillars. They have grown a LOT. The same mature woman stopped by to help me with my photos. Isn't it amazing that she always shows up just when I need her? Simply amazing. 

Can you believe how in less than a week they have grown so much? It is so fun to go out everyday and see all the caterpillars on this one plant. Seriously, I don't think it can feed them all. Can you believe how brave I, I mean, that woman is holding those caterpillars. She seemed a little timid about picking them up, but for the blog she did it. Here are some more photos of some more of the critters around my house. Thanks for reading. No one so far has posted about what floats their boat though...seriously, what turns your crank? I really want to know. Blessings, Jackie Sue