I haven't said much about India, but it is never far from my thoughts and daily in my prayers! As many of you know the re-entry into life in America after time spent in a 3rd world country is difficult. I knew that much of what I experienced would be hard to explain and I also knew that God had allowed me the experience to change ME not so I could expect others to change. As I processed all that I saw and experienced I am happy to say that India has found its way into my heart and I can't wait to go back! David wants me to wait at least a year before I plan another trip and I am good with that.
As I made the transition to being at home I wondered regularly how I was going to be a part of what was going on in the Good Samaritan School. After I had prayed about India one day and asked, "what next?" Laura Marie, the director of the Good Samaritan School stateside, called. I was excited to hear from her and humbled when she asked me and if I would be willing to host an event for the founder of the school, Ananthi Jebasingh, in October. I told her I would pray about it and began to seek the Lord about how to accomplish this. He had answered my prayer of "what next?" much sooner than I had expected and so I began to get busy. The first thing I did was made an appointment with my pastor and missions director at my church. The next thing I did was to make contact with my childrens' schools. Following are the times and places that Ananthi will be speaking in Orlando.
Friday, October 8th at 9:45am Ananthi will be speaking at the chapel service of Family Christian School.
Saturday, October 9th at 6:00pm she will be sharing for a few minutes at Westwood Church's Saturday service
Sunday, October 10th at 9:00am and 10:45am she will be the missions moment in both services at Westwood.
Sunday, October 10th at 6:30pm Ananthi will be sharing her heart about the ministry God has called her to in India at a Dessert fellowship at Westwood Church.
Anyone is welcome to attend any of these opportunities, but the most information will be given at the Sunday evening event. I cannot begin to adequately express my excitement about the opportunity God is allowing as Ananthi comes to share. She is a holy woman that you will enjoy hearing and she has a holy calling that you won't want to miss. Please come and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to leave a comment and I will get in touch with you. Many blessings and much love, JS