Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Top 10 Reasons I'd Say Yes All Over Again!

Dear Eddie, Happy 25th anniversary! Can you believe it? 25 years ago today we were headed to our honeymoon. Oh the memories! I would just like to publicly list for the whole bloggy world why I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you and esteem you above all others. You complete me and I'm so grateful to God for our journey together in this Great Adventure. Thank you for teaching me so much in this life. So, in no particular order, I give you the top 10 reasons I would say yes all over again.

1. Faithfulness. God has shown me faithfulness through your consistency in my life. You are not my "steady Eddie" for nothing. You have stood by me through thick and thin(and I'm not just talking about my weight).
2. Self-Control. I have never seen you lose your temper. Not even once. Almost with the dog a few times :) but, you never just lose it like me. I totally admire your self-control.
3. Thoroughness. David, you have taught me that any job worth doing is worth doing well. You never ever do a job halfway. I'd rather hire you to do a job than anyone I know. I know that when you are done it is just about perfect. Thank you for that example. Goodness knows I needed it!
4. Serving. My man, you are a servant. I see it in your life over and over again. You enjoy meeting the needs of others, sometimes to your detriment. A few years ago when you began to ask me before bed every night "Is there anything I can get for you? Anything you need?" Because I am usually, ok, almost always, the first one in bed, it just touches my heart that you are looking to serve me at the end of the day. Most times I say "no, I'm fine." But, if there is anything I want I can ask you and you and you will do it for me. I am daily blessed by your serving.(the clean kitchen at the end of the day never goes unnoticed, even if its not until the next morning that I notice)
5. Stewardship. David you are amazing with money. We couldn't be more opposite in this area. I have nearly killed you with my freedom to spend. But really, you can hold onto the same $10 for weeks. I can hardly hold onto it for 10 minutes. This has been and continues to be a point of contention for us. I promise to continue to work on it. We have both grown in this area, but I continue to admire your ability to hold onto a dollar.
6. Preparedness. This is definitely one of your defining characteristics. MacGuyver is another nickname you have earned. I don't always appreciate this in your life, when it makes more work for me, but honestly, there just isn't anybody like you. I would definitely pick you to be on a stranded island with, and not just for the obvious reasons. You could totally rock on Survivor!
7. Memories. We have shared so much through the years. 2 bouts of unemployment, 2 miscarriages, 3 births, 2 adoptions, building a home in our dream location, church attendance at the same church our whole marriage, holidays, made up holidays, deaths of loved ones, many many many traditions....what I love about you is how you have embraced the importance of family memories. You desire to document them all. You are my videographer, photographer, and light man. You are priceless.
8. Lover. And that's all I will say about that :) oh, and that I am one satisfied woman!
9. Loyalty. You are such a loyal friend. You aren't demonstrative to most people, but when you give your heart you stay put. I admire your steadfast loyalty and have personally benefited thousands of times through the years. Thank you for being so true to me and to our marriage. Your loyalty has built trust in our relationship and I have learned to depend on your love more than I ever thought was possible. Oh how I love old love.
10. Provider. David, as my husband I have always been able to count on you to provide for me and the kids. You have sacrificed again and again to meet our needs and even our wants. You work so hard and so faithfully to be able to provide for us. I know you worry about how we will take care of the little girls, what with our age and all, but I have been blessed by your resourcefulness through the years, and only God knows how He plans to continue to take care of us through your efforts. Thank you for being such a faithful provider.

Well, sweet man of mine,I love you. I am so blessed to have you as my husband, lover and best friend. I am so hoping that God gives us many more years and that I go first ;) I can't imagine this life without you, or the next one either. I just know we are going to be next door neighbors in Heaven and you will still be my gardening buddy. My heart is full and my life is full and you are the love of my life, along with Jesus, and I promise to be yours for all of my days. Thanks for choosing this red-neck girl to be your very own.



Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

What a sweet post! I can't believe it's been 25 years! You guys have such a cool testimony in your marriage and you are definitely an inspiration to me!
Congratulations on 25 years!
Thanks for not sharing any more details on the "lover" part :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! We are celebrating the Lord's goodness in you and to you. Blessings, Doug and Lydia

Anonymous said...

Did you cry writing that because I'm about to cry reading it! Did you copy it for Dave??
and the roses....awwwwww!
Have a fabulous things you'll be talking about for the next 25 years!! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about it.
lisa e

Anonymous said...

An amazing post. I am praying that at 25 years I say the same things, this is very sweet!

Hope your having fun we miss you!