Another countdown...I'm down to 12 days before I leave...just 12 days!!!
Its just two days before Matthew gets home from Japan. I'm planning his favorite meal to celebrate with him if jet lag doesn't do him in before he can eat. It also looks like we will be getting another Japanese student in August for a month. We have had so much fun with them that I will really look forward to it.
It is officially butterfly season! That's a big deal around my house and if you come over I will take you all around my yard to show you the tiny life that you might miss.

Another countdown...I got my shots today and have my anti-malarial pills on order. In just 10 days I begin taking the pills to keep me from getting Malaria!!!
Tomorrow is the last day of school. Davie is officially heading to 2nd grade. It is official, summer is here!

Not really a countdown item, but I have to share that I just finished a book last night that I LOVED. It is by one of my favorite authors, Charles Martin, and is called "The Mountain Between Us". What a moving story! It gets the thumbs up award from little ol' me if that means anything to you.
Counting down to prepare myself for the trip I find myself worrying about the little things and not the big things, but God is helping me with that. I have gathered some things to take with me and folks have made some donations so what seemed a long way off is truly just around the corner. Back to my trip...it feels surreal that I will be traveling to India. It is much like going to China. When we were planning our trips to China it just didn't feel real until we were on the plane. This feels the same way. I know I am going, but the brain just won't grasp it. Thankfully the whole gang here at home is behind the trip. Ellie says she will "mi"(miss) me, but she also talks about how "tool"(cool) it will be for me to go there. I have figured out that my anxiety about the trip is not so much about what I may experience, but honestly it stems from wanting to "make God proud". If you know me you know how high-maintenance I can be. It would be stating the obvious to say how completely inappropriate that will be on this trip. So, I worry that I will be too much me, and not enough Him. I have found that the older I get the more I realize that I am not as easy going as I would like to think I am so I have to be conscious all the time of my words and attitudes....not unlike I should be here... and that is what He is in the middle of teaching me right now. I will try to post daily about my experience and includes some photos of the kids and area. Thanks for your prayers and support. Life is good and God makes it so. Many blessings. Jackie Sue

Great pictures Jackie! So excited to read/hear all about your trip. I'll be praying for you! I'm pretty sure we'll be passing in the sky as I am headed back to the states in 12 days.
Charles Martin is by far my favorite author right now and I have not read that one...I think I know what I want for my birthday :)
Love love love the pictures! And yay for butterfly season, graduations, and missions trips -- it will be awesome and you will do wonderfully :) Love you lots and praying for you!
Great post-we are getting a student also! Brennen said it will be the same as last year. Ryohei! I forget how to spell his name. I asked Brennen to have Warren do it at our church this time, He needs to contact Jon! Praying that will work out! Already starting to miss you and you're not even gone!
sooooo excited for you. we will be praying. my sister will be going to india soon to bring her 2 daughters home. Jyothi and Deepika. and your leader is right about the EXTREME spiritual darkness. My friend's son spent a year there and it rocked his world, spiritually speaking. It has taken him over 6 months to get back on his feet. EXTREME spiritual warfare. He's there again, but only for 2 months. we'll be keeping you lifted up friend. love you.
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