Saturday, January 27, 2007

More Waiting....No Rumors

Well, this is a long weekend for sure. Haven't heard one drop of news since Thursday. No rumors at all. It doesn't mean we arent' in this next batch of referrals, but it certainly offers nothing to confirm that we are. So, I wait. Not well, but I wait. As I did my devotional this morning God's might and His gentleness was brought to my attention. The Lord's ways are higher than my ways for sure, so I will choose again, for the 1000th time during this journey to put my hope and trust in Him. To trust Him as the shepherd who tends His flock, gathering His lambs in His arms and gently leading the nursing ewes. That is the God that I serve. Surely He is taking care of my daughter until He allows me to go and get her. Hold tightly to our Eliana, Lord, and bring her to us in your perfect time. I will place my trust in You over and over again. You are good and all that You do is right.

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